Golden Shower

Why are there people who like golden showers?

 «There are people who at some point in their lives eroticize urine, associating it with something pleasant and exciting.  It depends on how those people have lived their relationship with urination and what meaning they have given it.

 "Sometimes, it is associated with liberation and lack of control, modesty and shame, humiliation... These emotions and sensations can be used sexually, so seeing someone urinate or being urinated on can arouse those emotions and hence the excitement.

What are some of the ways to participate in the golden shower?

#Seeing someone pee or letting them see you.

 #Smell or taste urine.

 #Hear pee.

 #Urinating directly on another person's body or urinating on a body covered in latex (for example, clothing, latex, or an insulating material) in order to enjoy the sensations without being physically exposed.

 #Urinating as a reward or punishment.

 #Urinating as an indication of pleasure and arousal.

You dare?🥂😈